Promenade Sainte-Catherine

Outdoor life inside.

Bordeaux, where the longest shopping street is called Sainte-Catherine. Adjacent to this, Promenade Sainte-Catherine needed some fresh air. We decided to create an urban oasis, where green is an essential part of the shopping experience.


  • Shopping Centres.


  • Strategy,
  • Naming,
  • Brand Design,
  • Retail Design.
Promenade Sainte Catherine, shopping, architecture


The predominant tones in Sainte Catherine street are grey and stone colour. Our client, Redevco, asked us to create something else, complimentary and fresher, a kind of pause. It turns out that a river runs under the road but had been covered up a century ago, this gave us the idea of creating an oasis. However the lack of space was a challenge.


An urban oasis seemed to us the right answer and we did not want to be stopped by a simple problem such as lack of space so we simply grew green on vertical surfaces. A magical fountain that would change with the time of day also plays a major role in creating the right atmosphere. Then, uniform signage for all brands in order to guarantee coherence of the entire space The result is a commercial success, now everyone in Bordeaux can and does meet at Promenade Sainte Catherine.

Promenade Sainte Catherine, shopping, architecture
Promenade Sainte Catherine, shopping, architecture, logo

Iconic frontage

We designed the plant-like pattern for this iconic frontage, in close collaboration with the architect and a specialist gardener. Plants were to be everywhere, in a carefully designed manner in order to ensure ease of maintenance and maximum impact year round.

Promenade Sainte Catherine, shopping, architecture
Promenade Sainte Catherine, shopping, architecture
Promenade Sainte Catherine, shopping, architecture

The crossing

To embody the bridge between the street and the Promenade, arches were designed to be placed at every entrance. All in green.

Promenade Sainte Catherine, shopping, architecture
Promenade Sainte Catherine, shopping, architecture
Promenade Sainte Catherine, shopping, architecture
Promenade Sainte Catherine, shopping, architecture
Promenade Sainte Catherine, shopping, architecture
Promenade Sainte Catherine, shopping, architecture
Promenade Sainte Catherine, shopping, architecture
Promenade Sainte Catherine, shopping, architecture
Promenade Sainte Catherine, shopping, architecture